Interview : 15 Minutes avec… Ejob Nathanael

MBOA BD 2019. Contrairement aux années précédentes, l’artiste à la une n’est pas un artiste, mais une jeune maison d’édition de comics : Zebra Comics.

Je dois avouer que nous avons eu maille à partir du bon pied du fait de la différence de culture (ils sont anglophones pour la plupart), et de mon impatience légendaire. 😂 Ce qui fait que l’entretien a été réalisé en mars 2020, et suite à quelques mises à jour, nous le publions enfin aujourd’hui, comme le premier de la série pour l’année 2021. 👌🏾

Qui est Ejob Nathanael ?

I am E.N. Ejob: a writer, comic book artist, a beginner animation artist and founder of Zebra Comics. I have had two novels published “The Dead Daughters” & “Queen Of A Lie”, which are on today.

I have also created and worked on several comic book titles for Zebra Comics, and for other publishers like Harmattan BD.

1. Pourrais-tu nous décrire une journée type de E.N. Ejob ?

Well, my days are usually a routine of waking up, exercising, showering and getting straight away to working on my illustrations, and other jobs from clients.

Zebra Comics team

The evenings, I spend reading a book: it could be a comic, a graphic novel or a novel. I watch films too, but recently, I’ve been more into literature. I find that books can be really soothing.

2. Comment es-tu arrivé dans le dessin ?

Well, as long as I know I existed, I have always drawn something. I have only evolved in it. At a certain point, in my university days, I wrote more than I drew, reason why I could hone my writing. But eventually, the love of drawing came back to me, and ever since, I have only wanted to just draw and tell stories.

3. Comment gères-tu un nouveau projet ? A quoi ressemble ton processus créatif ?

First, I discuss the story with the writer. I get a script. I do some character designs after reading the script. I engage the writer in ensuring that the characters look pleasing to him/her.

Then I plan the book. I create storyboards on how every page will look. When everything is set, I begin drawing. I draw all the pages, either traditionally or digitally, depending on my mood. At times, paper and pencil feel better than using a graphic tablet.

Once I have drawn all the pages, I begin inking them. I do all inking digitally. Inking involves putting fine lines to the illustration or drawing. I do so using a graphic tablet and a computer to ensure that it appears very neat.

Then, I color. I also color digitally.

Next comes the lettering, which involves adding the dialogue and sound effects.

After that, I put the book together and ready it for print, using computer programs like Adobe In-design.

Once that is done, and all processes are checked, I send the book to our translators and the print ready file to the printers if it is a Zebra Comics project. If it for a client, once all the print worthy files are ready, they are delivered to the client, after payment.

4. Quels sont les outils que, s’il t’était demandé de t’exiler sur une île déserte tu emporterais avec toi ?

  • I’ll take a solar charger, a laptop computer, a graphics tablet and a foldable chair and desk.
  • A solar charger to charge the laptop and a graphics tablet to do illustrations with. I would’ve have said some paper, and brushes, but eventually you’d run out of those. A computer will last longer.
  • And if possible, some internet connection.

5. Quels conseils/astuces donnerais-tu à quelqu’un qui envisage de commencer ce métier ?

You need to love to create in order to start. It is not enough to admire the job. If you only wish to be an illustrator because someone else is doing it, not because you feel passionate about it, then I wouldn’t advise you to begin.

While our field looks very pleasing to the eyes, it is one of the most demanding jobs out there. Graphic designers and illustrators as a whole fall in the category of people who work late nights.

So, first, you must love to create.

Second, you must be willing to learn every single day. There is no single artist who knows it all. The day you become complacent and stop learning is the day you become obsolete.

Lastly, enjoy yourself with every creation. Always give the best of you at every moment.

6. Si tu avais l’occasion de présenter un seul de tous tes projets au monde entier, lequel serait-il ? Pourquoi ?

This is a tough one because I literally do not have a favorite project. Zebra Comics has several comics that I have worked on and I love all of them.

So, I’d say rather that, I’ll present the comics of Zebra Comics. I’ve worked on Aliya, Totem, Tumbu, Anaki, Pour une Couleur de peau etc. It would be hard for me to choose one. The only solution would be a raffle draw. Lol.

7. Enfin quelle est ton actualité, tes projets en cours ou à venir ?

Well, currently I am working on Anaki chapter 5 for Zebra Comics. I am also supervising several comic book projects that are schedule for release within the year on the Zebra Comics app.

[Update 01.13.2021] We’re rebuilding our apps for Android and iOS, as well as new content, to be released in a few months from now.